5 Interior Design Trends to Create Stand-out Student Housing
Student Housing - 04/27/2023
Numbering 8.6 million, student beds account for 12% of the total number of US rental units. In such a crowded market, how do you make your student housing option stand out? Thoughtful, comfortable, and functional interior design can be a significant factor in establishing a unique personality and attracting students. Check out five student housing […]

Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment: The Secret to Student Housing Design Success
Student Housing - 03/27/2023
Designing for student housing is becoming increasingly important. With the high demand for student living, developers and property owners need to ensure that their properties are up to date with the latest student housing trends in design. When it comes to student housing, the design of furniture, fixtures and equipment (FF&E) can make all the […]

How Rental Furniture Can Help Meet the Evolving Needs of Student Housing
Student Housing - 01/16/2023
When it comes to student furniture rental, things have changed dramatically in recent years. The days of students wanting simple, easy-to-use furniture are gone. Today’s students expect more from their university housing, and that includes better furniture options along with impeccable after-sale services. Furniture rental companies need to be aware of these changing student housing […]

Student Hacks For Living In a Small Space
Student Housing - 09/15/2022
If you’re like most college students, you probably don’t have a lot of space to work within your dorm or apartment. But just because you don’t have a lot of square footage doesn’t mean you can’t make the most of the space you do have. With a little creativity and some smart furniture choices, you […]

Top 5 Things Students Are Looking For In Furnished Apartments
Student Housing - 09/02/2022
Finding a place to live is always a challenge, especially as a student on a budget. But don’t worry – we’ve got your back! In this blog post, we’ll share the most important things students are looking for in furnished apartments. So whether you’re just starting your search or you’re almost ready to sign on […]

Get Student Furniture Rental at Inhabitr!
Furniture Options - 04/25/2022
Inhabitr’s student furniture rental packages make it much easier to furnish your college dorm room or off-campus apartment! We at Inhabitr try our best to make getting furniture both affordable and hassle-free: the goal is to help you live comfortably without having to waste too much time or having to spend too much money at […]

How to Furnish a College Apartment Affordably
Furniture Options - 08/31/2021
Going to College is one of the most amazing things for any young adult. But let’s face it, though college life is super fun, moving into your college apartment can be stressful. As a student, there are high chances of you being on a budget, and decorating your apartment can be a sure challenge. If […]

How to prepare your Apartment for the new College Semester?
Student Housing - 01/22/2021
It’s a new year and it’s going to be a new beginning for you. Life was tough last year for everyone around the globe. The pandemic has pushed us to alter our everyday life schedule drastically. For many, work from home was the new office life. For college students, college life came to a standstill. […]

Affordable Student Housing in Chicago
Student Housing - 12/29/2020
College life is always said to be the best time in each one’s life. But there is an endless number of things that need to be taken care of. Housing is the most important component of a student’s life. Finding affordable student housing is not only a task but even a necessity. For some students […]
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