5 Tips for Sustaining Momentum on New Year’s resolutions
Lifestyle - 01/15/2021
Momentum is a powerful driving force in our lives. The new year often serves as a great way to re-energize, make a note of what we need to do for the year, and help us center our minds for the near-future.
Unfortunately it is too often the case that we start to lose that momentum just a few weeks after the new year. So today we’re going to go over 5 helpful tips to help sustain your momentum.
1: Clean Up

Another one of our articles touches on this, but the space around you is a reflection of your inner thoughts. If your room, apartment, house, etc. is messy, then it can be a sign that your mind is cluttered as well. Take the time to clean up any mess that’s been accumulating, and re-organize your living space. Doing so is the best way to re-organize your mind.
When you’re entering the New Year, you want to set yourself up for success as best as possible. Working in a clean, organized environment can really help set the tone for what you’re trying to accomplish. If the space around you is clean and coordinated, it’ll be easier for you to approach your New Year’s resolutions the same way. Schedule a time every week or month (whichever works best for you) to clean up your room, and most importantly, STICK TO IT.
Cleaning up on your own can be quite difficult, check out some of our bedroom sets for nightstands, dressers, and more ways to help organize your living space today!
2: Forgive Yourself

One of the top search results on Google around this time of the year is how to stick to your New Year’s resolutions. This is probably because it’s hard to consistently commit to making a major change in our lives without great discipline. We put high expectations on ourselves when making our resolutions, and failing to achieve them feels like a red mark on ourselves.
So be forgiving. Succeeding in your New Year’s resolutions won’t happen overnight, it’s a long process that you should expect to fail at multiple times before you succeed. The bigger the resolution, the longer you should expect it to take.
One of the easier ways to accomplish this is by keeping your goals and your progress to yourself. Outside validation is great, but it can often make you complacent, especially if you’re going out of your way to get it.
At the end of the day, what really matters is how far you’ve come from where you started. If other people notice, that’s great! If not, you’ll be able to enjoy your accomplishments all for yourself.
The most common New Year’s resolution is trying to lose weight. The most failed New Year’s resolution? Losing weight. People tend to give up if they don’t see progress right away, don’t let that be you. Consistency is the most important part of the process, so don’t give up.
3: Do Something New

We all know and have mocked the cliche: “New Year, new me.” While yes, it is quite silly to expect yourself to be a completely different person at the start of the year, there can be an inkling of truth to it. To really prove to yourself that you aren’t going to be the same old person you were last year, do something new that has always scared you.
Whether it’s skydiving, talking to a stranger, or even just going for a jog, there are plenty of ways for you to experience something new. Given everything that’s going on in the world, I’d be remiss not to mention that you should be responsible with your actions. Be safe in how you approach any new ventures, but don’t be afraid to do it.
It’s all about keeping your momentum going. A really simple thing you can do is re-designing your apartment. It creates a new space for you, making it easier for your mind to see this year as a new opportunity. Doing so doesn’t have to cost that much, check out our article on how you can furnish your apartment for less than $1000.
4: Reach Out to Friends and Family

Accomplishing your goals can be difficult, so while you don’t want to overshare your goals and become complacent, it can help to talk to people who care about you when you’re going through a tough time.
No one is expecting you to figure it all out right away, so having a group of people to fall back on can be a nice pick-me-up. Our friends and family are a beacon in our lives that can help us remember what really matters.
It’s true that a lot of people won’t have this option, and if that’s you, don’t worry! Try to lose yourself in a good book, meditate, or pick up a new hobby. You’ll still be generating momentum and who knows, you might pick up a friend or two along the way.
Since a new year calls for change above all else, try out our Inhabitr Ambassador Program, where you and your family members can get 50 dollars off by using your special code. See the link for more details!
5: Enjoy the Moment

This last tip is the simplest, but for many can be the most difficult. Don’t get so caught up in your future plans and goals that you forget what’s happening right now. Every now and then, take some time to enjoy the fruits of your labor while still keeping your goals in front of you.
Keeping your momentum going can be a lot easier when you recognize that you have things in your life going for you in the present. No one knows how long they’re going to be where they’re at, so enjoy the good things in your life while you can.
While you’re at it, make sure to check out some of our best collections at Inhabitr, where we provide furniture designed to allow you to live flexibly. For people with busy lifestyles, living in the moment can be tough when you have future commitments too far in advance. Ditch the commitments and consider renting furniture instead of buying!
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